Grace Baptist Trust Corporation

Grace Baptist Trust Corporation

Serving Churches Throughout the United Kingdom

Hyde Heath Baptist Church

The church at Hyde Heath had appointed a pastor who lived with his family in the onsite manse. The property, however, was not large enough to accommodate a growing family as well as a separate study. The church therefore wished to construct an office in the manse garden for the pastor’s use. The Corporation were pleased to assist with this worthwhile project. The building was begun in 2020 although the fitting out, fence and ground work were not completed until 2021 due to COVID-19 lockdowns.

The church writes:

“We are extremely thankful for the grant from the Grace Baptist Trust Corporation which helped us purchase and install a garden office for the Pastor. Paul and his family moved into The Manse in 2017 as a family of six. They became a family of seven in 2019 and needed to turn the study into a fourth bedroom. The garden office is an ideal place for the Pastor to study and prepare. It has given him the space to build up his library and a quiet place to work. Additionally, it provides a separation of ministry and family life which was a difficult balance when the office was in The Manse. The Manse and the garden office are on the grounds of the church building therefore we wanted an office that would be attractive and be a long-term investment for future Pastors.”


Office in Manse Garden